Quitlines are a phone support service which can help in the process of quitting nicotine addiction:
Country Organization Website Telephone
Australia Australian National Preventative Health Agency quitnow 131 848
137 848
Austria Rauchertelefon rauchertelefon.at 0810810 013
Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm
Belgium Tabakstop / Tabacstop tabakstop.be 0800 111 00
Bulgaria National quitline for tobacco control
0700 10 323
anticancersociety.org.cy 22 448 000
Czech Republic Czech Coalition against Tobacco dokurte.cz 844 600 500
Denmark STOP Line Counselling
80 31 31 31
Estonia Trust Line USALDUS +372 56 471 181
Finland Pulmonary Association Heli
+358 20 610 6000
France INPES Tabac Info Service
(+33) 194 33 23 57
Germany Quit Smoking Telephone Das Rauchertelefon German Cancer Research Centre
+49 (0) 6221 420
Greece Hellenic Cancer Society cancer-society.gr +30 210 6456 713 - 1
Hungary Smoking Cessation Centre
Iceland The Icelandic Quitline 8006030.is (354) 8006030
Ireland Irish Cancer Society cancer.ie 1850 201 203
Italy SOS Fumo
(+39 ) 800 998 877
Latvia Confidencial Line of Riga Addiction Prevention Centre narcomania.lv (+371) 703 7333
Lithuania Pagalbos metantiems rukyti linija
Luxembourg Tabac-Stop tabac-stop 45 30 331
Malta Health Promotion Department
Netherlands STIVORO stivori.nl 0900-9390
(+31) 070 312 0400
New Zealand quit quit.org.nz 0800 778 778
Norway Directorate for Health and Social Affairs helsedirektoratet.no/tobakk + 47 810 200 50
Poland Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology promocjazdrowia.pl 851-75-14
Portugal SOS Deixar de fumar (+351) 808 20 88 88
Romania National Institute of Pneumology
Slovakia National Coalition for Tobacco Control in Slovak Rebublic[/URL]
+421 43 41 347 15
QUITLINE number: 0850 111 682
Slovenia CINDI POMAC PRI OPUSCANJU KAJ cindi-slovenija.net 386 80 27 77
Spain ScaPT Tabac Info Linea
Sweden Tobacco Prevention Center slutarokalinjen.org 020-84 00 00
Switzerland Swiss Cancer League krebsliga.ch 031 / 389 91 00
UK Quit
NHS Quitline quit.org.uk
smokefree.nhs.uk 0800 022 4332
0800 169 0 169
Indian Speaking people in the UK
USA smokefree.gov smokefree.gov 1-877-448-7848(national)
TTY1-800-332-8615 (local state help)
Quitlines are a phone support service which can help in the process of quitting nicotine addiction:
Country Organization Website Telephone
Australia Australian National Preventative Health Agency quitnow 131 848
137 848
Austria Rauchertelefon rauchertelefon.at 0810810 013
Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm
Belgium Tabakstop / Tabacstop tabakstop.be 0800 111 00
Bulgaria National quitline for tobacco control
0700 10 323
anticancersociety.org.cy 22 448 000
Czech Republic Czech Coalition against Tobacco dokurte.cz 844 600 500
Denmark STOP Line Counselling
80 31 31 31
Estonia Trust Line USALDUS +372 56 471 181
Finland Pulmonary Association Heli
+358 20 610 6000
France INPES Tabac Info Service
(+33) 194 33 23 57
Germany Quit Smoking Telephone Das Rauchertelefon German Cancer Research Centre
+49 (0) 6221 420
Greece Hellenic Cancer Society cancer-society.gr +30 210 6456 713 - 1
Hungary Smoking Cessation Centre
Iceland The Icelandic Quitline 8006030.is (354) 8006030
Ireland Irish Cancer Society cancer.ie 1850 201 203
Italy SOS Fumo
(+39 ) 800 998 877
Latvia Confidencial Line of Riga Addiction Prevention Centre narcomania.lv (+371) 703 7333
Lithuania Pagalbos metantiems rukyti linija
Luxembourg Tabac-Stop tabac-stop 45 30 331
Malta Health Promotion Department
Netherlands STIVORO stivori.nl 0900-9390
(+31) 070 312 0400
New Zealand quit quit.org.nz 0800 778 778
Norway Directorate for Health and Social Affairs helsedirektoratet.no/tobakk + 47 810 200 50
Poland Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology promocjazdrowia.pl 851-75-14
Portugal SOS Deixar de fumar (+351) 808 20 88 88
Romania National Institute of Pneumology
Slovakia National Coalition for Tobacco Control in Slovak Rebublic[/URL]
+421 43 41 347 15
QUITLINE number: 0850 111 682
Slovenia CINDI POMAC PRI OPUSCANJU KAJ cindi-slovenija.net 386 80 27 77
Spain ScaPT Tabac Info Linea
Sweden Tobacco Prevention Center slutarokalinjen.org 020-84 00 00
Switzerland Swiss Cancer League krebsliga.ch 031 / 389 91 00
UK Quit
NHS Quitline quit.org.uk
smokefree.nhs.uk 0800 022 4332
0800 169 0 169
Indian Speaking people in the UK
USA smokefree.gov smokefree.gov 1-877-448-7848(national)
TTY1-800-332-8615 (local state help)